10 randoms things!
I have not posted anything here for super long! Hmph, I actually wanted to write something last week, but I could not log in to blogger. So here am I, trying recall 10 random things that I've done last week and this week to make up a post!
1. I adopted a new baby and my new baby is super cute!
2. I watched sunrise in school (at the bleachers) on 11 March.
3. It rained throughout the lifeguards camp, but we did not swim as much as expected.
4. I watched three movies at the cinemas and one series online, and all were nice!
5. I emo-ed a lot last week, and I even cried! I need to be stronger!
6. I checked the message log in my phone and found out that I sent 2468 messages this month!
7. I ate sooooooooo much for dinners on 15 and 16 March that my stomach wanted to burst!
8. I realised that walking in a dark park at night was seriously scary, especially when I forgot to bring "Mas Repellent".
9. I had cramps during training yesterday, and it was so badly hurt that I could not walk properly today.
10. I went fot arts night with my lifeguards friends [Haha Sylvia is crazy!]. I did not know that my classmates were going, so i pangseh-ed them. Sorry!
These are 10 random things that I've done. This week is a short week, because Friday is Good Friday! I am going for lunch with my classmates after school and for dinner with lifeguards after training tomorrow. LOVE AS BEFORE. And L FOR LIFEGUARDS. L FOR LOVE. Oh yeah, Funorama is coming really soon! And i am excited!
PS. I miss Ung, Sheridine and Don!